Vision Continued...
Arête Christian School ("ACS" is recognized as a private PreK-12 Christian School under the laws of the State of Tennessee, located in the Whitehaven/Southaven areas, which borders both Memphis, Tennessee and Southaven, Mississippi. In August 2015, ACS celebrated its Grand Opening. The school offers a variety of courses to the Mid-South and surrounding areas.
Educational Philosophy:
At ACS, we believe:
- All children can learn.
- All children benefit from developmentally appropriate materials, practice, and strategies.
- All children deserve a quality education in which individual needs are met, exceeded, and supported.
- Social skills, such as life skills, deserve the same attention as academic skills.
- School is not just about children: it encompasses family, parents, community, stakeholders, society, the environment, and the world.
- Children must be encouraged to see the connection between new learning and prior knowledge.
- Children are more than test scores.
- Children learn best in a safe,caring environment, one that values diversity, collaboration, and risk-taking.
- Children thrive when expectations are high and self-esteem higher.